
Showing posts from January, 2009

Unbelievable ride..

Last one month has been very demanding. Not just for the fact that I have had a baby girl and attending to her, but my 5 year old daughter has been a handful too. Though she loves the baby and wants to carry her around like a doll, she is also acutely aware that attention has been divided and as a result she is throwing quite a few tantrums. It all started last month on the 8th, when I went in for a planned c-section delivery. Somethings went wrong and even after the first operation, the bleeding did not stop. This meant that they took me back into the operation theater and operated again. I was in semi-conscious state and could hear the doctors talking. It was as if I was witnessing someone else's operation.. the BP is going low, her pulse if feeble... give her anesthesia.. and so on. Finally I came back to consciousness in the ICU and was not even able to speak. My husband was allowed to come in and visit me but it was just a fleeting visit. It was only the next day that I was ab...