Civic Sense
I always keep wondering, when will people in India learn some civic sense. I have seen a lot of cities around the world, but none come anywhere close to what Indian cities can offer in the lack of civic sense.
But then with many people struggling to even make ends meet, this might be the last thing on their minds. So I would excuse that strata, but what does the middle class and the upper middle class have to say for itself ? Even the so called cream of the society totally lacks any sense of responsibility of the community.
Chauffeur driven Mercedes cars, and at the traffic light the driver opens the door and spits out the paan. The children and adults, roll down the window and throw out the wrappers and tissue papers. Is the city except for their own cars and houses a huge dustbin ? One would think so.
Elevators.. in my own office. I have seen people not wait for me when they knew I was approaching the lift. All it takes is to lift a finger and press the Door-Open switch, or just tell the operator to do so, but they won't. It is too much of an effort for them. Holding the door open for someone.. that would be a dream come true.
Standing in queues in a public place, where a queue has not been enforced has never happened. But even where queues have formed, there will be some people who will barge in when you are not looking. At the Mall, all well-to-do folks, but no one is willing to form a queue at the food court counters. Everyone wants to stand next to you, better still in front of you. What is infuriating is when parents in school do so, right in front of their kids, setting an example for the kids to follow. I do not and cannot watch someone barge into a line and generally speak up, politely but firmly asking the person involved to join the queue.
How can we expect to see a change in the next generation, if the example we set for them is wrong. When will we realize that keeping our own house clean and throwing the trash next door is not the right thing to do. When will we stop closing our eyes to the people around us and refuse basic courtesies to them.. and keep a simple thing like 'first-come-first-serve' in mind ? In my lifetime, I doubt it !!
But then with many people struggling to even make ends meet, this might be the last thing on their minds. So I would excuse that strata, but what does the middle class and the upper middle class have to say for itself ? Even the so called cream of the society totally lacks any sense of responsibility of the community.
Chauffeur driven Mercedes cars, and at the traffic light the driver opens the door and spits out the paan. The children and adults, roll down the window and throw out the wrappers and tissue papers. Is the city except for their own cars and houses a huge dustbin ? One would think so.
Elevators.. in my own office. I have seen people not wait for me when they knew I was approaching the lift. All it takes is to lift a finger and press the Door-Open switch, or just tell the operator to do so, but they won't. It is too much of an effort for them. Holding the door open for someone.. that would be a dream come true.
Standing in queues in a public place, where a queue has not been enforced has never happened. But even where queues have formed, there will be some people who will barge in when you are not looking. At the Mall, all well-to-do folks, but no one is willing to form a queue at the food court counters. Everyone wants to stand next to you, better still in front of you. What is infuriating is when parents in school do so, right in front of their kids, setting an example for the kids to follow. I do not and cannot watch someone barge into a line and generally speak up, politely but firmly asking the person involved to join the queue.
How can we expect to see a change in the next generation, if the example we set for them is wrong. When will we realize that keeping our own house clean and throwing the trash next door is not the right thing to do. When will we stop closing our eyes to the people around us and refuse basic courtesies to them.. and keep a simple thing like 'first-come-first-serve' in mind ? In my lifetime, I doubt it !!